18 May 2022

15:00 – 16:30 CEST

Online, click here to RSVP

PAYT schemes have been tested by different studies, to achieve better waste separation and waste prevention results compared to flat waste fees. Generally implemented at the local level, though often as a result of or in line with regional or national policies, such schemes are quite widespread in European countries, and have recently inspired other countries.

However, recent projects showed, that instead of taxing polluters, other alternatives that are based on engagement between citizens and the amount of waste produced by them can be implemented, such as rewards programs, the use of technologies to engage with residents on an ongoing basis fared, or others.

Accumulated knowledge suggests a holistic integration of information campaigns and data management about waste, on the one hand, and fiscal instruments on the other.

In the meeting, we will get to know the differences between types of countries with different conditions, traditions, and cultures and learn from European experience what is the place of good communication to achieve the WM goals, and what can be adapted by other regions over the globe.


Below timings are in CEST (find my timezone). 

15:00 – 15:30 Insights from PAYT schemes in Flanders, Belgium by Piet Coopman,  coordinator Interafval (cooperation VVSG and intermunicipal waste management organisations)
15:30 – 15:45 Future plans of EU to improve separate collection and expand the PAYT experience by Vanya Veras, Secretary General, Municipal Waste Europe
15:45 – 16:05 Deposit system as SAYT/RAYT scheme and as Social Category by Prof. Aleksandra Anić Vučinić, Vicedean at Geotechnical Faculty University of Zagreb, Croatia
16:05 – 16:30 Roundtable discussion

15:00 – 15:30 Insights from PAYT schemes in Flanders, Belgium by Piet Coopman,  coordinator Interafval (cooperation VVSG and intermunicipal waste management organisations)
15:30 – 15:45 Future plans of EU to improve separate collection and expand the PAYT experience by Vanya Veras, Secretary General, Municipal Waste Europe
15:45 – 16:05 Deposit system as SAYT/RAYT scheme and as Social Category by Prof. Aleksandra Anić Vučinić, Vicedean at Geotechnical Faculty University of Zagreb, Croatia
16:05 – 16:30 Roundtable discussion


Piet Coopman

Piet Coopman

Coordinator Interafval

Vanya Veras

Vanya Veras

Secretary General, Municipal Waste Europe

Prof. Aleksandra Anić Vučinić

Prof. Aleksandra Anić Vučinić

Vicedean at Geotechnical Faculty University of Zagreb


Audience & Costs

This event is open to all interested in the topic and will be free of costs.

Tooling and registration

This online event will be held via Zoom. You can RSVP by clicking on the button below, registration is open until 17th of May. Please send an email to if you would like to join last minute. 


See you Online!









The ISWA Working Group on Communication and Social Issues (WGC) addresses public concerns, comprising public support of and public opposition to waste management policies, public consultation and participation, and communication with focus on basic human attitudes towards waste.


Get in touch for questions or comments.

14 + 15 =

Leonie Hoogland

Leonie Hoogland

Event Manager ISWA


Contact Leonie for registration matters or to cancel registration

Phone number: +31 (0)10 808 3990

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