Webinar | Enhancing textile and plastics circularity: Final results and case studies of the DECOAT EU research project

DECOAT, of which ISWA is a pround partner, is an European Union-funded project that aims to enable circular use of textiles and plastic parts with (multilayer) ‘coatings’ which are typically not recyclable yet.  In the past 4 years, DECOAT partners join efforts and have made great progress in achieving its goal and targets. As the project […]

Webinar (Spanish-speaking)| ORGANIC WASTE TREATMENT

In this new Webinar on “Organic Waste Treatment” we will have an introduction by Jordi Pon, Regional Coordinator of the Chemicals and Pollution Program of the UNEP Regional Office, Marcelo Rosso, Representative of the ISWA LAC Regional Chapter and Atilio Savino, Executive Director of the Center of Excellence for Circular Economy and Climate Change in […]

WMAM 1st Waste Management Achievement Award 2023


Waste Management Association of Malaysia (WMAM) is delighted to extend a heartfelt invitation to you to nominate companies for the prestigious Waste Management Achievement Award. This esteemed accolade recognizes outstanding achievements and contributions in waste management and related industries in conjunction with WMAM Annual Conference 2023 that will take place in Impiana Hotel Ipoh, Perak […]

ISWA Members Webinar

All ISWA Members are invited to the next ISWA Members Webinar dedicated to updating you on the exciting opportunities in ISWA! This round, we will be updating all of you on the current status of INC, ISWA’s participation at COP28 and what you could do to be part of it, and finally on the financing […]

ISWA Study Tour: Decentralised Bio-Waste Recycling


This year we are delighted that we can offer you again the successful ISWA Study Tour & Training Course on biowaste recycling via decentralised composting and anaerobic digestion schemes, organised by Florian Amlinger (Compost- Consulting and Development) in Cooperation with the Compost and Biogas Association Austria, including Europe's largest show on compost and biomass processing machinery and equipment.

Webinar | Using EPA’s Solid Waste Management Toolkit to Address Plastic Waste in Your Community


Join EPA and ISWA for a webinar on an introduction to addressing plastic waste! The webinar will inform attendees on the broader aspects of plastic waste management using EPA’s new Solid Waste Management Toolkit (the Toolkit). The Toolkit serves as a free resource for decision-makers implementing solid waste management programs. Key features of the Toolkit […]

International Meeting 2023 Circular Economy

Uruguay Uruguay

The Chamber of Companies Managers of Waste from Uruguay (CEGRU for its acronym in Spanish) the National Member of ISWA for Uruguay presents his first seminar "Circular Economy: Present and Future". This aims to generate a necessary debate between the actors included in the application of regulations and the subsequent actors who carry them out in the private world.