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23 March 2022 @ 2:00 pm

Meeting | ISWA Working Group Climate Change and Waste Management

The Working Group on Climate Change and Waste Management (WGCCWM), recognising that Climate Change is one of the most important global environmental issues facing our planet, advocates that the waste sector has a very important role to play. The Waste Sector has the option to be a net GHG reducer and many actions on how to achieve this have already been identified by the WGs predecessor the Task Force on Climate Change. The WG continues on from where the Task Force stopped. The WG on Climate Change and Waste Management is focused inter alia on conveying the message that sustainable waste management and recycling should be included in future international agreements (including NAMAs; extension of current Kyoto project mechanisms; new market mechanisms; sector approaches; access to funding…).

 This meeting is a closed meeting for ISWA Working Group on Energy Recovery appointed members only. Should you wish to attend, please join ISWA as an Organizational or National Member, either appoint a member (number of members contingent on level of membership), or join as an individual member and apply to join the working group. Please note, access to the Working Group as an individual member is not guaranteed.


23 March 2022 @ 2:00 pm