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7 September 2023

International Meeting 2023 Circular Economy

About the event:

The Chamber of Companies Managers of Waste from Uruguay (CEGRU for its acronym in Spanish) the National Member of ISWA for Uruguay presents his first seminar “Circular Economy: Present and Future”. This aims to generate a necessary debate between the actors included in the application of regulations and the subsequent actors who carry them out in the private world.

The event-seminar brings together companies and professionals from the sector, the press, civil society organizations, public bodies, ministries and the general public, around the situation of the circular economy in the region.

It seeks to generate a meeting and dialogue between the most relevant actors in the national and regional sector, both in generation, transport
and waste management, as well as those linked to regulations, policies and academia.

Makes possible to strengthen links, share actions and projects, generate synergies and catalyze new opportunities.


7 September 2023