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26 October 2021

Capacity Building Training on Waste Minimization in Oman

Exponential growth in waste generation with increasing diversity in its composition results in new complex and hazardous waste steams leading to severe environmental and public health impacts. Improper waste management practices do not solely pollute land, air and water but also impede the provision of basic necessities for public health such as clean water, clean air and safe food. Additionally, finding appropriate land for waste disposal has become a major waste management challenge in many countries.

Conventionally, waste management has been based on collection, treatment and disposal. Awareness of the value of waste prevention, waste minimization, and considering waste as a resource is lacking.

In Oman, Municipal Solid Waste generation rate is more than 2 million tons per annum, most of which are directed to landfills. In the recent years, efforts have been made to close the dumpsites across the country and establish engineered landfills that protect human health and the environment.

The current waste management hierarchy focuses on waste disposal. The aim and focus of the country now is to shift that hierarchy and focus on minimizing the quantity of waste produced. In consultation with all relevant stakeholders, this project carried out a baseline assessment and developed waste minimization guidelines for Oman. The guidelines once adopted will help prevent health and environmental impacts of waste, reduce resource depletion, and minimize the quantity of waste reaching landfills. The workshop is building on the finding and contents of the study and bringing together waste experts, practitioners, and other stakeholders for a series of sessions to discuss a wide range of topics in waste minimization and prevention.

ISWA and UNEP along with other partners and experts will conduct the workshop in a virtual format from Tuesday, 26 October 2021 to Thursday, 28 October 2021.

This is a closed meeting open only for invited participants.


26 October 2021