Across municipalities and regions within Europe

9 May 2022

13:00 – 14:30 CEST


In 2018, EU governments and institutions struck a historic agreement introducing what many hailed as the world’s most ambitious set of laws and targets to boost recycling and cut waste. This webinar, organised by the ISWA EU Group, will deep-dive on harmonization of waste collection across municipalities and regions within Europe. The aim is to bring you up to date on the latest status and insights on the topic followed by a Q&A, all discussions will be in the light of the EU circular economy package.

Last November a networking roundtable was held for ISWA European members to discuss possibilities and options to harmonize separate collection of municipal waste within Europe, and several findings and conclusions could be taken. To bring this further we would like to present you with these findings in the webinar but also extend the information. 

The webinar will also include presentations of thoughts on the topic by key associations working within Europe: the Association of European Producers of steel for packaging (APEAL) , Municipal Waste Europe & Extended Producer Responsibility Alliance (EXPRA).


(all times below are in CEST)

13:00 – 13:10 Introduction 

Joachim Quoden, Chair ISWA EU Group, Vice-Chair ISWA Governance & Legal Issues Working Group & Managing Director Extended Producer Responsibility Alliance (EXPRA).

13:10 – 13:25 Outcomes and conclusions from the ISWA Networking Roundtable Europe on Harmonization of Waste Collection

Nancy Strandt, Treasurer ISWA & Senior Advisor Afvall Norge.

13:25 – 13:40 Thoughts on Harmonization of Waste Collection of the Association of European Producers of steel for packaging (APEAL) 

Steve Claus, Sustainability & Circular Economy Officer at the Association of European Producers of steel for packaging (APEAL).

13:40 – 13:55 Thoughts on Harmonization of Waste Collection of the Municipal Waste Europe

Vanya Veras, Secretary General at Municipal Waste Europe.

13:55 – 14:10 How can an EPR system compliment the harmonization of waste collection, thought of the Extended Producer Responsibility Alliance (EXPRA)

Monika Romenska, Regulatory & Public Affairs Manager at EXPRA

14:10- 14:30 Discussions and Q&A



Joachim Quoden

Joachim Quoden

Chair ISWA EU Group, Vice-Chair ISWA Governance & Legal Issues Working Group & Managing Director EXPRA

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Managing director of EXPRA – Extended Producer Responsibility Alliance – Inspiring Packaging Recycling, a new alliance of
packaging recovery organisations currently from more than 17 countries. He is vice-chairperson of the legal working group of ISWA and chairperson of the ISWA EU Group; he was also an expert of the ISO global standardisation project SIS/TK 165/AG 10 Packaging and Environment that has developed between 2009 and 2012 global standards on packaging optimisation, recycling, reuse and energy recovery.

Nancy Strand

Nancy Strand

Treasurer ISWA & Senior Advisor Afvall Norge

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Nancy Strand works as senior advisor in the Norwegian national member, Avfall Norge, the Norwegian waste management and recycling association. She recently stepped down after seven years as CEO, and before that she worked as general manager for LOOP, a foundation that fosters better recycling habits. In 1990 she founded one of Norway’s first environmental consultancies, and has worked to coordinate business concerns with environmental efforts throughout her career. She holds a degree in Business Administration from the Norwegian Business School, and Environmental Resource Management from the University of Southeast Norway.

In 2020 she was elected as ISWA’s Treasurer.

Steve Claus

Steve Claus

Sustainability & Circular Economy Officer at APEAL

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Steve Claus is the Sustainability & Circular Economy Officer at APEAL and is responsible for technical steel for packaging projects in sustainability around i.a., recyclability, recycling rates, LCA and PEF. Steve is as an entrepreneurial professional with more than 20 years of experience in Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), collection, sorting and recycling of packaging waste and sustainability in general. He holds a master’s degree in Applied Economics from the University of Antwerp.

Vanya Veras

Vanya Veras

Secretary General at Municipal Waste Europe

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Vanya Veras is a multinational, multicultural environmental economist of Greek and English parentage with over 20 years’ experience in waste management legislation, practices and systems. She has been Secretary General of Municipal Waste Europe since January 2012; the association represents municipalities and public responsibility for waste.
In 2007, after eleven years in Brussels working on waste and environmental policy, Vanya joined Coca‐Cola Hellenic in Greece as Environmental Affairs Manager. She then worked for Mayor of Piraeus for two years as special advisor on waste management, leaving this post and Greece to represent municipalities in waste management with Municipal Waste Europe aisbl in 2012.
With the benefit of this combined experience of the waste industry, the producer and the local authority, Vanya guides municipalities and their waste management companies in their cooperation with Brussels stakeholders to shape new legislation which now works towards achieving a circular economy and the ambitious goals of the green deal and the UN climate neutrality and sustainability goals.



The webinar is open for anyone who is interested to know more to join.

Tooling and registration

The event is freely available and will be held via Zoom. We ask you to RSVP below. Registration is open until May 6th, you are welcome to register for the webinar after that date too but please send an email to events@iswa.org. 

See you Online!









Get in touch for questions or comments.

6 + 12 =

Leonie Hoogland

Leonie Hoogland

Event Manager ISWA


Contact Leonie for registration matters or to cancel registration

Email: events@iswa.org
Phone number: +31 (0)10 808 3990