Five amazing advantages that waste and recycling leaders get by participating in the AMCS Global Benchmark Report

Oct 13, 2023 | ISWA blog, ISWA news

According to a major research firm, B2B buyers spend an average of 27% of the total buying process engaging with benchmark reports. Do you?

By arming yourself with insights about what other firms are doing and what the impact of those things are you will have an easier time being a leader and change agent on your own team.

But… another survey? Before you decide to leave this page without starting the survey, note that the AMCS Benchmark survey gives you an instant response upon completion. In exchange for approximately 9 mins of sharing your insights, you get an instant response (anonymized) about where you stand in relation to your industry peers.

1. Early-access to analysis

In addition to instant results comparing your responses to other (anonymized) respondent data recorded to date, you get the final report a few weeks earlier than the general public in January 2024. The final report will have expert analysis of the data and possible actions from people such as the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) leadership. You’ll also be offered an optional consultation from AMCS about your specific results upon delivery of the final benchmark report.

2. Brush up on your game of chess game with your competitors

One essential piece of organizational preparation to make great decisions is benchmarks to understand hard-to-find insight into your business peers and the market. By understanding what your peers in your region and around the world are preparing for, you’ll have another source of insight to impact your strategic plans. Perhaps you’ll not change your execution plans at all – but you’ll have some more insight into what others are doing and planning.

3. Improve team efficiency

As a leader, sometimes you have to reframe how you approach efficiency. Are you performing better (or worse) than peer organizations not addressing Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) in the right way? Are others’ self-rated technology usage something you should aspire to, or are you leading the pack at the moment, giving you a breath to address something else? The survey contains questions in many areas that will provide insight into topics that can increase efficiency.

4. Invest in what’s working and have better insight into resource allocation

Benchmark reports can provide data on where other companies in your industry are investing their resources, which can help you make more informed decisions about where to allocate your own resources. When you see what is working, what isn’t working, and what is being planned by other industry leaders you’ll be better prepared to act. Where should you take a deeper dive investigating areas you may not be looking at in enough depth? Or areas you may not be examining at all? Are you spending too much time in areas that peer organizations are not? And is that a good thing or a bad thing? You need data.

5. Technology adoption and trends from the field, not blogger predictions

Learn about actual usage of emerging tech. See insights into industry trends. Benchmark reports like ours contain data about industry trends and emerging technologies, which can help inform your company’s strategic technology planning and decision-making.

While a benchmark report shouldn’t be the sole reason to make a decision, data points from a number of vectors from around the world can be an essential ingredient in your strategic planning mix.



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