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27 June 2023 @ 5:00 pm

Webinar (Spanish-speaking)| ORGANIC WASTE TREATMENT

In this new Webinar on “Organic Waste Treatment” we will have an introduction by Jordi Pon, Regional Coordinator of the Chemicals and Pollution Program of the UNEP Regional Office, Marcelo Rosso, Representative of the ISWA LAC Regional Chapter and Atilio Savino, Executive Director of the Center of Excellence for Circular Economy and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean (CECC LAC).

Presentations will be given by prominent speakers, including Marco Ricci, Vice-head of ISWA’s Working Group on Biological Treatment of Waste and expert from the Italian Composting Association (CIC); Lina Razeto, Vice President of AEPA, the national member of ISWA in Chile and General Manager of the company GeoCiclos, Eduardo Bello, General Manager of Bioterra, representing CEGRU, the national member of ISWA in Uruguay and Fabián Alejandro Jaramillo, Manager of the company INVENTAGRI, representing the Association of Environmental Professionals of Ecuador, the national member of ISWA in that country.

(Please note that the webinar will be held in Spanish)



27 June 2023 @ 5:00 pm