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14 March 2023 @ 9:30 am

A Just Transition of Women in the Waste Management Sector

Hosted by ISWA’s Women of Waste Task Force, GRID-Arendal and ISWA’s National Member for India ICWM, join this event to learn and be inspired by a geographically and technically diverse set of panellists discussing the best gender-responsive approaches as part of a just transition in the waste management sector. We will be addressing questions such as: “which gender-based considerations does each sector group (municipalities, academics, NGOs, informal recyclers, enterprises etc.) need to factor in?”, and how can we best enhance the role of the informal recycling sector in a circular economy as indispensable partners in the fight against plastic pollution and achieving a healthy environment for all?  

The panel discussion will be followed by a roundtable workshop on the Just Transition of the Informal Recycling Sector with the aim of generating practical activities and models for India and elsewhere, particularly for women. This interactive session will be led by GRID-Arendal using themes and inputs from their recently published policy paper: A Seat at the Table – The Role of the Informal Recycling Sector in Plastic Pollution Reduction, and Recommended Policy Changes.

There will be limited places for the roundtable, please indicate your interest to participate.

Learn more about the co-hosting organisations here: ICWM, the ISWA International Solid Waste Association, GRID-Arendal, and ISWA Women of Waste Task Force.   

A light, vegetarian lunch and refreshments will be served. 

Contact: WOW@iswa.org


14 March 2023 @ 9:30 am
Jaipur, India