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23 February 2023 @ 2:00 pm

Webinar | Research Project Identifying the Sources and Scale of Plastic in Compost Derived from Household and Commercial Food Waste

Research Project: Identifying the Sources and Scale of Plastic in Compost Derived from Household and Commercial Food Waste

Over the last year a project in Ireland has been looking at sources and scale of plastic in food waste collections. There have been over 50 waste characterisation studies done on commercial and household organic waste collections to determine the level of contamination. Products have been analysed if they contain plastics. The project is at a stage where possible solutions to eliminate plastics are being proposed. At this workshop we will present the draft findings and outline possible solutions in which you can vote on what you think are practical. 

The project lead is Foster Environmental supported by Tony Breton Consulting. 
Join the project twitter account for updates – https://twitter.com/ISPIC2
Visit project webpage for updates – https://foster.ie/food-waste/


23 February 2023 @ 2:00 pm