ISWA Welcomes Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI) as our Newest Silver Member

Jun 21, 2024 | ISWA news

ISWA is delighted to welcome ACSI as our latest Silver Member.  

The Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI) is a leading policy think tank and capacity-building institution established in 1956. As an autonomous, self-financing organization registered as a society, ASCI is dedicated to public purpose.  

ASCI’s action research, capacity building, and advisory services significantly contribute to policy development and advocacy for sustainable urban service delivery. Over the decades, ASCI has built a strong presence in areas such as water, sanitation, faecal sludge and septage management, solid waste management, climate resilience, and innovation. These efforts intersect with public policy, strategy, monitoring and evaluation, ICT, and behaviour change communication.  

Annually, around 110 international and national organizations choose ASCI for advisory and research services, having completed over 2100 research consultancy projects. ASCI integrates this research into its capacity-building and training programs.  

ASCI’s expertise and credibility have forged strategic partnerships with several Indian government ministries and international development organisations. The Government of India has commissioned ASCI as a nodal agency for rapid training and as a capacity-building hub under various centrally sponsored schemes. Recognized by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) as a Centre of Excellence in PPP, Urban Service Delivery, and Governance Reforms, ASCI is also a preferred knowledge partner for numerous bilateral and multilateral institutions.  

ASCI has played a pivotal role in developing national policies and strategies, including the National Urban Sanitation Policy (2008), Swachh Bharat Mission, National Policy on Faecal Sludge and Septage Management (2017), National Urban Water Management Policy (Draft), and National Urban Sanitation Policy 2.0 (Draft). ASCI is also a member of the national circular economy committees led by NITI Aayog and MoHUA. ASCI is part of a consortium that was awarded a USAID grant to reduce plastic pollution in India (inREPLACE) and has successfully led peer learning networks for city leaders, the latest offering of which is the Urban Learning Network (ULN). 

Prof.  V. Srinivas Chary is the Director of the Centre for Environment, Urban Governance, and Infrastructure Development at ASCI and CEO of the WASH Innovation Hub (WIH), an ecosystem that fosters start-ups in WASH and SWM. He is supported by an interdisciplinary team of 60 qualified experts who bring a unique blend of domain knowledge, management ability, action research, and practical implementation expertise.  




Joining ISWA is a strategic step for ASCI to advance our mission of integrating global best practices into urban waste management. We aim to enhance our technical expertise and advisory capabilities through ISWA’s extensive knowledge repository and international collaborations. This membership will support ASCI’s Urban Learning Network (ULN) —a peer learning platform for city practitioners in India, and the WASH Innovation Hub (WIH) by providing access to cutting-edge solutions and fostering a culture of innovation. Additionally, ASCI is eager to contribute to ISWA by sharing Indian innovations and frugal solutions, showcasing how globally resource-efficient practices can effectively address waste management challenges. Our engagement with ISWA will enable us to contribute actively to the global discourse on the circular economy and elevate the waste management standards in urban India.

Prof V. Srinivas Chary

Director, Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI)

ISWA membership is open to individuals and organisations from the scientific community, public institutions and public and private companies from all over the world working in the field or interested in waste management. As the only worldwide waste association with members in 110 countries, ISWA allows you to network with professionals, companies and institutional representatives on a global scale. ISWA’s unique mix of members spans the whole waste sector for the promotion and development of sustainable waste management across the world.

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