Guest Blog: Insights from the Frontlines – A Close-Up Look at Waste-to-Energy Facilities in the UAE

Apr 22, 2024 | ISWA blog, ISWA news

Noor Al Hamdan

Noor Al Hamdan

Sr. Executive Energy Recovery, be'ah

Stepping into the world of waste-to-energy facilities, as a member of the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) and a representative of the Sultanate of Oman’s waste management company, Oman Environmental Services Holding Company (be’ah), who aims to establish its first waste-to-energy plant, I recently undertook site visits to two waste-to-energy facilities located in the UAE along with members of ISWA Working Group for Energy Recovery. The objective was to gain practical insights into the operations and intricacies of these facilities, with a focus on understanding their potential as sustainable waste management solutions.

What struck me most during my visit was the sheer complexity of the process. From household refuse to industrial leftovers, every scrap was scrutinized and harnessed for its energy potential. The technology at play was nothing short of impressive, with cutting-edge systems minimizing emissions and maximizing energy output.

It was a stark reminder that waste, often viewed as a burden, could indeed be a valuable resource in the right hands.

My tour of the second facility, Bee’ah and Masdar WTE plant in Sharjah was nothing short of the first one. We started with an introduction into the project, safety induction followed by PPE and a tour into the plant. Even as a smaller capacity, it was very controlled and efficient in its operations.

Beyond the impressive machinery, it was the people behind the scenes who truly left an impression. From engineers to operators, each individual exuded a passion for environmental stewardship. Their dedication to responsible waste management underscored the vital role waste-to-energy plays in our transition to a greener future.

As a member of ISWA and a representative of a nation on the brink of embracing waste-to-energy technology, these site visits were invaluable. They provided me with insights that transcended theory, offering practical knowledge that will inform our nation’s approach to waste management. From operational best practices to regulatory requirements, I returned home armed with a wealth of information that will shape our journey towards sustainability.

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